Saturday, March 12, 2011

Pick Your Passion

In past articles, I've discussed important attributes such as patience, perseverance, diligence, and intensity. Clearly, these are significant variables that must be considered when working towards any meaningful goal. Yet without passion, each variable is limited. How much patience will you exhibit without passion? How much intensity will you put forth? What about perseverance or diligence? When it comes to maximizing potential, passion is an absolute must. 

Swiss philosopher Henri Frederic Amiel summed up the significance of passion with his words below, 

"Without passion man is a mere latent force and possibility, like the flint which awaits the shock of the iron before it can give forth its spark." 

Merriam-Webster defines passion as a strong liking or desire for, or devotion to some activity, object, or concept. Passion is a driving force. It is the spark that ignites the flame. It illuminates the path on your road to success. Without passion, the road will eventually darken. You'll lack direction, focus, and desire. 
The Power of Passion

Passion often defines the individual. It isn't something you can fake. You either have it or you don't. For example, consider the young fighter who literally fights his way out of poverty. His passion steers him through adversity, propelling him towards a successful career. But what happens when the fountain of passion runs dry? Perhaps the fighter experiences the taste of money and loses the fire that once burned within. All of the natural talent and prior years of training cannot make up for a lack of passion. 

Many professional athletes become victim to their own fame. They find a life that they never knew existed. They are no longer fighting to better their lives, as they are now surrounded by fame and wealth. During these times, they must follow the advice of Abbe Yeux-verdi, 

"Renew your passions daily." 

A perfect example of this concept comes from legendary boxer Bernard Hopkins. Earlier in his career, I'm sure he was passionate about bettering his life (financially) and that of his family. This is no longer the case however as he's already earned millions. Yet his passion still runs strong, even into his 40's. Hopkins is not distracted by money. He remains passionate about winning and cementing his own legacy. 

Therefore, you don't need to choose a single passion today that you must then live with forever. There is a good chance that your interests will change over time. You are free to seek out new passions. Using myself as an example, my passion has certainly changed over the years. I renew my passions regularly. Passion for a day is never enough. You cannot ride the coattails of past passion and expect to find future success. 

Pictured in November 2008 with top ranked cruiserweight Matt Godfrey

I have not competed in many years. I am happy in my role as a trainer and coach. I am obviously passionate about improving my athletes, but I still must find my own passion for training. I cannot live through my athletes. I must come alive on my own. 

What I do in the gym is for me and only me. I don't train with my athletes. We often do entirely different things. I need to chase down my own goals. No one can pick these goals for me. I decide for myself. The fact that I train fighters doesn't mean that I still train as a fighter. My passion has changed significantly over the years, and I'm sure that it will continue to change into the future. 
Flawed Approaches

Understanding the significance of passion isn't enough. We must take it a step further and bring passion to our training. Do not falsely assume that passion is exclusive to competitive athletes. We are all entitled to passion. We can all use it to our advantage. I have not competed in many years, but am as passionate as I've ever been about training. 

Unfortunately, many fitness establishments fail to elicit passion among their participants. They go about it all wrong. These establishments often fall into one of two flawed categories. 

I. Guilty By Association - The first group tries to guilt you into training. They use scare tactics regarding health and longevity in hopes that they'll scare you into changing your habits. Their message often translates to something such as, "Join our group or face a life of pain and misery!" 

II. Pick Our Passion - The next group tries to pick your passion. They tell you what to be passionate about. It is their way or the highway. Their message often translates to something such as, "Train our way as we have exactly what YOU need to function in this world!" 

Both models are flawed. No one should be tricked into training, and no one can pick your passion for you. Exercise is not a punishment, and it isn't something that you should be forced to do. I thoroughly enjoy my time in the gym. I am passionate about training. I don't get paid to train. I make my living training others. They don't care what I do in my free time. My training time is my time. I have my own passions that I pursue each day in the gym. It isn't work to me. It is something that I crave. 

The fact that exercise offers health benefits is an added bonus. It isn't why I train. I'm not running from death or trying to postpone the inevitable. I embrace each day and live life to the fullest. Passion is what drives me, not fear of death or poor health. I am never more alive than when I'm busting my ass in the gym. 

January 2009 - Enjoying the cold!

In the picture above, it was 7 degrees Fahrenheit outside. This picture was taken from my garage gym. I had run out of propane for the heater the day before. I don't know what the exact temperature was inside the garage, but it was cold! I honestly didn't care. Sure, I refilled the propane tank soon after, but not before putting in a few hardcore workouts in the cold garage. I am too passionate about my training to miss a day because of cold weather. I come alive when testing my limits and seeing just how far I can go. 

I often receive emails from readers of the site who have watched video of me training. A week doesn't pass without someone asking where I find my motivation. It is as if they think I'm crazy for training so hard. They cannot comprehend it. Meanwhile, I am the one who is truly puzzled. I cannot imagine training without passion. I cannot imagine putting forth a half assed effort. My mindset is very simple. Go hard or go home. It's an easy choice that I make each day. 

And please do not be confused. I'm not writing this article to tell you what to do and why to do it. I hope to help you find YOUR passion. 

In the words of Dr. Howard Thurman, 

"Don't ask yourself what the world needs; ask yourself what makes you come alive. And then go and do that. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive." 
A Useful Analogy

When discussing passion in regards to training, I like to use a career vs. job analogy. 

Job - A job is an activity that you perform for money. Your primary reason for working a job is to earn a paycheck. Some jobs are better than others, but most of us have had jobs that we dreaded. We weren't there to pursue a lifelong ambition. We were there to get paid. I had a work-study job back in college that was as exciting as watching paint dry. Boring is an understatement. 

Now consider your time in the gym. Does it feel like a job? Do you dread the work? Are you working aimlessly with no real direction? If you answered yes, it is time for a change. 

Career - I'm now fortunate to have a career that I truly enjoy. A career involves pursuing lifelong ambitions. I don't consider my career to be a job. I love my work. I don't have a job where I check the clock every few moments to see how much closer I am to my next break. There is never enough time in the day, and I'm always eager to get started the next morning. I work very hard, but the work is something that I welcome. I enjoy it. I am passionate about my profession. I am also fortunate to be passionate about my time in the gym. I don't approach my training with a job-like mentality. It is something that I truly enjoy. 

Now consider your time in the gym. Are you working towards specific goals? Are you eager to overcome your next challenge? Are you excited about hitting a new personal record in the gym this week? If you answered yes, you bring passion to the gym. You welcome the hard work, as it brings you closer to your next goal. 
Define Yourself

In the words of Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, 

"Nothing great in the world has been accomplished without passion." 

Wilhelm's words ring loud and clear for me. I don't want to be ordinary. I want to stand out. I want to excel. I am passionate about everything that I do. I will never settle for anything but my personal best. 

To make the most of your training, you must bring passion to the gym. Passion is more important than even the most sophisticated forms of periodization, program creation, restoration, and supplementation. If you are not passionate, you are indifferent and lost in a job-like mentality. Indifference means that you don't care one way or another. If you are indifferent about your training, don't expect anything but nothing. 

Fortunately, it isn't difficult to find something that you can be passionate about. You are free to choose whatever you enjoy. No one can pick for you. Regardless of what some may say, you are not defined by the activity that you choose. You are defined by how you attack the activity. A passionate powerlifter is no better than a passionate ultra-marathon runner. He is different. Different is different. Different is not better or worse. 

Running in a road race back in the 1990's (right side)

There was a time in my life when I was passionate about running. It wasn't uncommon for me to run several miles every day of the month. I ran in several road races and loved every minute of it. My interests changed over time however. Eventually, the running bug left me and I moved on to something else. In fact, I regularly shift gears in terms of passion and goals. I get bored easily. If I no longer enjoy an exercise or activity, I will move on to another challenge. Whoever said that variety is the spice of life was certainly on to something. 

When I do shift gears, I remain the same person. Take for example my running craze. It was still me. I'm not better than I was 15 years ago simply because my passion has changed. Today's passion is different. It isn't better or worse. When I ran regularly, I put forth my best effort. When I trained this morning, I also put forth my best effort. I gave it everything that I had. The only difference between now and then is that the direction of my effort has changed. 

Over the years, I've trained extensively with bodyweight exercise, free weights, odd objects, and just about everything else that is remotely related to exercise. I am not defined based on what I'm using for a particular month or year. I am who I am based on the effort that I put forth each day. Unfortunately, many fail to realize this simple fact. There are groups that will judge you based on how you train. These elitists feel that they are better than you if you don't do what they are doing. They are blinded by their own ignorance. They've actually convinced themselves that they are the only people in the world who understand the meaning of hard work. 

Take for example the trash talk that often is seen on large message boards between different training groups. I often see bodybuilders dissed by others. Personally, bodybuilding is not my cup of tea, but that does not mean I don't respect those bodybuilders who bust their ass in the gym. I've met many bodybuilders over the years who work as hard as anyone I've ever seen. Their dedication to training and diet surpasses many of the professional athletes that I've trained. These bodybuilders are working just as hard as you. Perhaps their work is different, but that doesn't mean they are not putting forth a 100 percent effort. It isn't as if the bodybuilder approaches the bar and decides to only put forth a partial effort simply because he is a bodybuilder. Once again, you are not defined by the activities you choose. You are defined by how you attack the activity. I don't respect athletes for what they do. I respect athletes for how they do it. 

In the words of T. Alan Armstong, 

"If there is no passion in your life, then have you really lived? Find your passion, whatever it may be. Become it, and let it become you and you will find great things happen for you, to you and because of you." 
Where To Look

I can't tell you what to be passionate about. It isn't for me to decide. You must find something that you enjoy. Your work will be exponentially more effective if you find an activity or sport that you truly enjoy. Do not let anyone choose for you. Find out for yourself. Get your hands dirty and see what lights your fire. 

I also suggest charting progress and working towards defined goals. When I ran regularly, I always tried to run faster. When I lift weights, I try to lift heavier weights. When I work with bodyweight exercise, I try to work with more challenging variations. I'm always working towards a new goal, regardless of the training style. I'm don't train aimlessly. I am training for something specific. You don't need to train for a sport to have precise training goals. And even if your sole focus is to improve aesthetically, I still suggest working towards precise goals. Performance based goals can be quantified. Your body will come along for the ride by adapting to the demands imposed upon it. Professional athletes offer the perfect example to this concept. These athletes train specifically for their events. They are not training to look good, but it isn't uncommon for this to happen, simply based on the work that is put forth in pursuit of their goals. It's a win-win situation, and you are able to chart legitimate improvements in performance. Perhaps you are lifting 10 more pounds than you were last month, or perhaps you've gone from 5 reps on the pull-up bar to 10. These are quantifiable improvements that you can track over time, as opposed to staring into the mirror and guessing whether you look 5.3 or 7.4 percent better than you did last month. 

And even if you are training solely for looks, what happens when you are finally happy with your appearance? For example, suppose a woman decides that she wants to fit into her old bikini. She busts her ass for 4 months before summer and achieves her goal. What does she do now? Does she enter a 15 year maintenance period without any defined goals? The visual goal has already been realized, so what else can she look forward to? Without a measureable goal, it is common for the individual to lose passion. When passion fades, expect results to fade as well. 

When you focus on performance based goals however, you will never run into this problem. I am always finding new ways to challenge myself. Each challenge provides a unique outlet for my passion. I don't know what I'll be doing this time next year, but I do know that I'll be working hard on whatever the goal may be. 

Once you determine the power of passion, it isn't something that you'll ever want to lose. My passion towards life drives me forward. It is a burning desire to constantly improve. Great things are fueled by passion so why settle for anything less? 

If you want to stand out in life, you'd better be passionate. Find your passion and pursue it relentlessly. 

Boxing Training

Friday, August 6, 2010

Fitness Boxing The Ideal Cross-Training Alternative

Success in any fitness program is an elusive moving target. There are many exercise devotees out there who continuously take aim. However, few consistently achieve a solid hit, when it comes to their fitness goals. Success demands focus, balance, consistency and discipline. It also requires the ability and dedication to continuously overcome obstacles.

Endurance athletes such as runners, cyclists, kayakers and others engaged in outdoor exercise regimens recognize winter as one of these obstacles. Icy roads, snow covered trails, freezing temperatures and reduced hours of sunshine all make regular outdoor workouts dicey.

However, for many of these athletes, tapering off simply is not in their creed. They have worked too hard to watch their fitness levels slip away. They need an alternative that is both time efficient and effective in improving their fitness levels. It must also be challenging, motivating, provide variety and be convenient. In other words, it must meet the following criteria: 
  • Intensity - It must challenge both the aerobic and anaerobic systems.
  • Strength gain - It must improve overall body strength.
  • Injury free - It must provide intensity without battering muscles and joints.
  • Calorie burn - It must help burn off any extra fat to help increase/maintain leanness.
  • Variety - It must be challenging and non-boring.
  • Mental toughness - It must help the athlete or fitness devotee learn to cope with difficult challenges in their primary activity. (1)

Fitness Boxing is a whole body workout that meets the above criteria and more.
It takes the best aspects of workouts used by some of the world’s most finely conditioned athletes, boxers. It combines them into a fitness program that is safe for the mainstream exercise devotee. In other words, with Fitness Boxing, you train like a boxer in everything but full contact sparring. (That aspect of boxing is left to professional boxing coaches in the relative safety of a standard boxing ring.)

Fitness Boxing is definitely challenging. It works most of the human body’s physiological systems. The musculoskeletal system becomes stronger through specialized resistance exercises and boxing specific equipment drills. The cardiorespiratory and vascular systems become more efficient through workouts that are more than 60% anaerobic. The central nervous system is trained to respond faster and more efficiently to punching combination drills. (2)

Intensity is the trademark of a Fitness Boxing workout. As indicated above, it is more than 60% anaerobic. Many of the drills are made up of two or three minute rounds, with one minute recovery periods. You push through your current lactate threshold and improve it during the round, or anaerobic interval, by working at 85-90% of your maximum heart rate. (3) During the one minute rest period, you learn to more efficiently recover your oxygen debt while simultaneously stretching and reviewing proper technique.

Strength gain is a natural byproduct of the Fitness Boxing workout. Boxers work with weights, specialized boxing equipment and plyometric devices in a manner that maximizes calorie burn to increase lean muscle mass. The Fitness Boxing workout focuses on improving speed, strength, explosiveness and lactate threshold management while simultaneously keeping body fat at minimal levels. (4)

Remaining injury free while improving total body fitness is one of the major benefits of a Fitness Boxing program. As a cross training alternative, it provides a break in routine and adds variety to your overall training program. It distributes the load of training across various body parts. (5) For endurance athletes who do a lot of running, this means a break from pounding your knee and ankle joints, while still getting an intense training session.

Mental toughness comes from learning to cope with the demands of a challenging workout. The more you work through a series of rounds that push you into your anaerobic zone, the better you will deal with intense endurance training or other demanding exercise routines.

So, Fitness Boxing offers all these great cross training benefits. What does a typical workout look like?

Most formal classes at boxing gyms or health clubs are 60 minutes in length. A typical session is broken down into several carefully designed components to ensure a total body workout. 
  • Warm-up - A complete head to toe warm-up. Its purpose is to safely prepare your muscles and tendons for the rest of the session. Approximately 5 to 10 minutes.
  • Conditioning - This is typically a transition from the warm-up into some boxing specific strength and conditioning exercises. These are resistance exercises that emphasize muscular strength and endurance, speed, tone and anaerobic conditioning. Typically without weights. Approximately 10 minutes.
  • Technique - One to two new techniques are introduced in each session. The objective is to build from the basics, such as fundamental punches, to more complex combinations and defensive maneuvers. Approximately 5 minutes.
  • Hitting Drills - These are the heart of the workout. Timed rounds are employed in a circuit training format that works everything from focus mitts to target shields to heavy bags and more. This is highly anaerobic, involving two or three minute rounds (work intervals) interspersed with one minute active recovery periods. After a series of these rounds, you will be refreshingly exhausted, de-stressed and invigorated. Approximately 35 minutes.
  • Cool Down - This gets your heart rate down while you stretch out and improve your flexibility. It can also serve as a Q&A and planning session with your instructor. Approximately 5 minutes.

In addition to formal classes, complementary strength, plyometric and medicine ball training are commonly utilized to improve overall conditioning as part of a Fitness Boxing program. Strength training employs resistance exercises involving weights that improve overall strength with a particular focus on speed strength, or the ability to activate fast-twitch muscle fibers for explosive punching power. Plyometric and medicine ball training consist of a series of exercises designed to enhance starting speed, acceleration and power. (6)

Ok, it sounds like a great cross training alternative. How do I get started?

If you want a great Fitness Boxing workout, but have no desire to become a competitive boxer, you might want to stay clear of the more hardcore boxing clubs. If this is the case, check out a local health club or look for an upscale boxing gym that caters more to the workout than to the competition. Many health clubs now have some sort of boxing program geared more toward the fitness aspects of the workout. (7)

Personal trainers with prior boxing training experience can also offer comprehensive Fitness Boxing workouts. Just make sure the trainer you select is certified by a nationally recognized certification organization and has the appropriate experience and personality to meet your needs. 

Jump Rope Workouts

There are several options for jump rope workouts. The most obvious choice is to train with the rope for timed rounds. For example, many boxers will train with 2 or 3-minute rounds. During the round, they will alternate between faster paced work (ex. double unders) and less intense skipping (ex. jogging or running in place with the rope). This style of rope work will mimic the physical demands of an actual boxing round. Each round contains intense moments (ex. throwing punches) followed by lulls in activity (ex. circling the ring).

You can use the rope to replicate these physical demands. With regular practice, you will be able to maintain a fast pace throughout the round.

Another option is to perform full speed intervals with the rope. For example, you will spin the rope as fast as possible for 60 seconds. Stick with a full speed run in place style of spinning or double unders. There should be no lulls in activity. Maintain a full speed effort.

You can then rest 20 to 60 seconds in between intervals. The amount of rest will depend largely on your level of conditioning and proficiency with the rope. Strive to improve your work rate per round, while decreasing the rest required between intervals. A sample workout could consist of 6 x 1-minute intervals, each separated by 30 seconds of rest.

Another option is to use the rope as part of a circuit training routine. You can mix and match rope work with several bodyweight exercises to develop a brief, yet intense conditioning routine.

One routine could include the following:

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  • 100 Rope Turns
  • 10 Burpees
  • 10 Pushups
  • 10 Bodyweight Squats
Repeat the circuit 10 times.

For this circuit, you will work through these 4 exercises as fast as possible. Your goal is complete 10 circuits, resting only when necessary. Advanced athletes will be able to work through the entire routine without stopping.

Another option is to combine circuit work with timed rounds. For example, perform the following sequence as many times as possible during a 2 or 3-minute round:
  • 50 Double Unders
  • 5 Burpees
Perform 4 rounds, resting 1-minute in between rounds.

Jump rope training can also be performed as a finisher. Simply close the workout with a 5 or 10-minute round. Work to maintain a fast pace throughout the extended interval. The use of an intense finishing movement will ensure the workout was of adequate intensity. In addition to building endurance, the finisher will enhance mental toughness. You will be forced to “finish” with one last display of endurance and agility. Many finishers such as a heavy sandbag carry do not require agility and coordination. The jump rope is different. It is not enough to display endurance. You must also remain cognizant of tripping over the rope. A skill-based finisher has obvious benefits. Consider an athlete who must fight hard during one final round. It is not enough to plunge forward without skill. The athlete must display skill despite the unbearable fatigue. The jump rope is just one of many ways to train this ability.

Jump Rope Summary

The jump rope reigns among the pound for pound champions when it comes to a training tool that provides a quality workout without breaking the bank account. For $5, you can buy a rope that will enhance numerous physical qualities. There is no reason to neglect such a valuable training tool. I highly recommend the addition of a jump rope to your weekly training program. You can work with the rope several days per week.